EZ Comfort Hospice Care is available, free of charge, to speak on hospice, bereavement and related issues to civic clubs, churches, and community organizations. Programs are also available for long-term care facilities, hospitals, and other healthcare agencies. Call us at 805-422-8587.
Advance Directives
Advance Directives are a form of legal document that tells the doctor your wishes for healthcare. They can be very general or very specific. What they all have in common is that no one will be able to control your money or personal property based on your Advance Directive. You may change or revoke them (take them back) at any time. Advanced Directives for CA (and other states) are available at the CaringInfo.org website.
American Hospice Foundation - A legacy collection of general information and helpful articles.
Family Caregiver Alliance - A great resource for caregivers. This is a link to their Fact/Tip sheets covering a variety of issues and situations.
Hospicenet.org - A resource for patients and families facing a life-threatening illness.
BK Books - Superb collection of small booklets written by a hospice nurse that explains the process of dying in a natural and peaceful way.